Time Capsule Reflections: Journey 25 Years into the Past

A lot has happened since 1998, when Insite was founded. Television was still consumed primarily through something called "cable" and "antenna" projected into a big, heavy box, and before reality TV really took off and while people's conception of artificial intelligence went by the name "Skynet," most programming consisted of shows that boasted "writers."

(Thankfully, "quotation marks" have been around for a long time, and we will continue to "embrace" them until it starts getting "weird." Ok. We're done.)

It may come as a surprise to many of our readers (and even some in our team) that it's been over 20 years since Segway was supposed to revolutionize walking, or that social media consisted of the nightclub and the Rotary Club, which of course sent out a quarterly newsletter that included recipes for various kinds of fluffy pastries.

Chain letters were slowly digitized as more and more people learned that they could accomplish the same result without investing in a stamp, and Nigeria apparently was flush with princes who needed to relocate cash for anyone willing to share some banking information with them.

(Just kidding, Grandma. That isn't real. Do NOT respond to that email.)

We have indeed seen interesting times. Feeling a little nostalgic, we asked our team what was going on in their lives 25 years ago. Curious what your favorite Insiter was doing? Here's your chance to find out.

Insiter Time Capsules

What were some of our team members doing in 1998?