Time Capsule Reflections: Nicki Purcell

As we celebrate our 25-year journey in the digital industry, a curious question crossed our minds: "What were we up to 25 years ago?" It's a reflection that stirred deep thoughts. We're well aware of how technology has transformed in every conceivable way, but how exactly were we harnessing it two and a half decades ago? So, we decided to chat with some of our team members, and their responses whisked us away on a delightful trip down memory lane.

Q&A with Nicki bio

What was your favorite tech 25 years ago?

I got my Motorola Razr flip phone as my first cell phone in 1996 and prob kept it at least two years and was using it in '98. I loved how cool and compact it seemed. It was my first mobile phone.

How did you use the internet 25 years ago?

I was working in my first "career" job after college in public relations and utilized the Internet as a distribution channel for press releases I was writing and getting media coverage.

What were you watching?

I started "appointment viewing" for Friends and ER in college but in 1998 I was transitioning to watching the same shows but without my besties all around me on my apartment floor. Monday Night Football was also in the top 5 most watched on TV and being newly married to a football coach, it dominated the start of our weeks.

Do you remember your first computer? What was it?

My first computer was one provided at my first job. I don't remember the model. However, it was a desktop and included a keyboard—no mouse. All current "mouse" functionality happened via Function keys. It seems crazy now, but was completely normal then.

What do you miss about the internet and/or technology back then?

In 1998 while the Internet was 'always on,' I didn't feel always on. It was something I accessed when needed instead of everything being pushed to me. The smartphone changed that forever and created with it an unparallelled access for remote problem solving, but also an incredibly difficult path for separation.

Insiter Time Capsules

What were some of our team members doing in 1998?