Time Capsule Reflections: Aaron Fickes

As we celebrate our 25-year journey in the digital industry, a curious question crossed our minds: "What were we up to 25 years ago?" It's a reflection that stirred deep thoughts. We're well aware of how technology has transformed in every conceivable way, but how exactly were we harnessing it two and a half decades ago? So, we decided to chat with some of our team members, and their responses whisked us away on a delightful trip down memory lane.

Q&A with Aaron bio

What was your favorite tech 25 years ago?

Home built PC to play games, getting an ISDN connection to the internet.

Were you playing with any gadgets back then? Video games? If so, what?

Gadgets—Handspring or PalmPilot PDA. Video Games—Playing Quake and Half-Life with people across the World.

How did you use the internet 25 years ago?

Work used it, playing online games, keeping in touch with friends.

What did you spend most of your time doing in 1998?

Graduating college, planning then having a wedding, learning everything about telecom and engineering (first professional job)

What were you watching?

Stargate SG-1

What CDs were you buying in 1998?

Cake, Beastie Boys, Foo Fighters

What was the first thing the internet taught you?

Only trust those you personally know. It was still the wild west.

Do you remember your first computer? What was it?

Home Built

What do you miss about the internet and/or technology back then?

Anonymous, no tracking, you had to know where to go, search was either AoL or Yahoo. No email spam.

Insiter Time Capsules

What were some of our team members doing in 1998?